Meet our president: a practising locksmith from Perth

One of the important success for any clubs is the committee. Ours is no different. In saying that, I’d like to introduce you to our club president, James (myself!). That’s right,  I take on two roles within this club, that is being the club president as well as looking after admin duties (such as writing all the content you see on this website blog). Since I am actually writing this post featuring me, myself and I. Who better to give a bit of background and spill about myself.. other than me!

My name is James, coming from a family of four siblings. I am number two. A self confessed avid gamer, but to be able participate in the gaming world.. I also work full time. I am a locksmith by trade since many years back. My dad was locksmith and it comes to no surprise that I took up locksmith as a career. In fact, I co-own a locksmith business with a bloke named Clint, check out our website and don’t forget to say hi! If you need a locksmith, call me or Clint and mention you’re from our gaming club we will look after you! Trust us!

Here’s a cartoon version of me…

James cartoon

Although I am currently living in Perth, running a locksmith business. My family resides in the eastern states and to be honest, I wish they would move over and stay permanently in Perth. Trust me, I have tried many times in the past to no avail. But I will keep trying and will never give up. Well not if I can help it!

Many of you within this club will not know that I am also a bog fan of basketball. My favourite team is the Chicago Bulls. Though they may not be doing really good right now. They were a power team, especially back in the late 90s when Michael Jordan played. Ahhh, those were the days. For those who don’t know Michael Jordan, you may want to read up about him here.

Sounds kinda boring, but that pretty much wraps up me. Hahahaa. Oh yeah, before any of you ask me, no I can’t help you break in someone’s place! You may think I am saying as a joke, but not really. I have many friends who asked me exactly that!

Now that I have reveal a bit about myself, that you may not know about. How about you guys? Feel free to comment below and share some things that me may not know about. Don’t be shy because I know you want to!